Keith Allen July 01, 2024
🤝 Together with…
A world of hidden knowledge →
The mind-blowing chaos that underpins the world
“We control nothing but influence everything.” Political scientist Brian Klaas on how every decision we make - both massive and miniscule - shapes our futures.
Big Think
Finding untapped wisdom
There’s a world of hidden knowledge out there, and it’s right at your fingertips. Here’s the best wisdom on the web…
*Smartr Picks
Me versus myself
I work against myself through procrastination, distraction and addiction. Why do I consistently sabotage my own life?
The Resilience Myth
We all have to be personally resilient, to some extent, to live on an island. We all have some version of stockpile.
Culture Study
Meaningfully informed
Community requires individuals to have the option of speaking up. If we’re in this together, we ought to be able to chime in. But while every member of the community can speak out, the ones t…
Seth’s Blog
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