Keith Allen June 30, 2024
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How to Know When You Are "Spaving" (and Practical Ways to Stop)
Here are some ways to help us identify when we are falling into the spaving trap and specific tips to overcome it.
Becoming Minimalist
How to stay in the loop
How do we keep up with the world without being held hostage by algorithms? The secret is in your inbox…
*Smartr Picks
The Nocebo Effect: Why You Must Eradicate Negative Expectations
The Nocebo Effect: What It Is, Why It Matters, and How to Reduce Its Influence on Your Health and Well-Being
Darius Foroux
How to Structure Your Day for Work, Rest, and Play
The good news is that taking control of the day is not difficult. It begins with having a set of rules. Rules that you set for yourself. To give you an example, here are my rules for doing my work:
Carl Pullein
12 traits emotionally intelligent people share (And why you can learn them)
Sure, IQ is important, but is as impactful as emotional intelligence? Renowned psychologist and author Daniel Goleman explains.
Big Think
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