Keith Allen July 13, 2024
🤝 Together with…
Recommendations to help you live smarter →
The Triple Take: Balancing Your Mental, Emotional & Physical Health
Maintaining your overall well-being is contingent upon paying attention to three key pillars: your mental, emotional, and physical health.
Ness Labs
Hidden Knowledge
There’s a world of hidden knowledge out there, and it’s right at your fingertips. Here’s the best wisdom on the web…
*Smartr Picks
Smart Words From Smart People
A few smart things I’ve read recently…
Morgan Housel
17 Things I Wish I Had Been Told
What are three examples of times you've accomplished something you didn't think was possible?
The Curiosity Chronicle
Why friends are always right – no matter their views
My colleague John Burn-Murdoch recently presented striking evidence of a new trend: young men and young women are becoming politically segregated. Young men now sit substantially to the right of…
Tim Harford
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