Keith Allen July 18, 2024
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Recommendations to help you live smarter →
Sometimes You Do Need To Hustle
Over the last few years, there has been a backlash against what is commonly called “Hustle Culture” — burning the midnight oil and working seven days a week to achieve a desired outcome.
Carl Pullein
Hidden Knowledge
There’s a world of hidden knowledge out there, and it’s right at your fingertips. Here’s the best wisdom on the web…
*Smartr Picks
Curiosity Attractors: The Diffuse Obsessions that Shape our Lives
Curiosity attractors reveal deeper truths about who you are and what is most meaningful to you, offering insights into your past experiences and current creative drive, and even glimpses into potential career paths you may want to explore.
Ness Labs
The 6 Causes of Burnout (and How to Avoid It)
Burnout can be understood as a mismatch between six different elements of the work environment: workload, control, reward, community, fairness and values.
Scott H Young
Focus on right now, not the distant future, to stay motivated and on track to your long-term health goals
Research highlights three effective strategies to help you achieve your goals, including prioritizing short-term consequences.
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