Keith Allen May 14, 2024
The Stoic Mindset: How to Use Ancient Lessons to Face Life's Challenges
Using ancient lessons to solve modern problems is part of an effective stoic mindset. Today’s challenges are universal - Darius Foroux
Pet quirks
Peeves make lousy pets. They undermine us and put us on edge. But quirks? Little eccentricities we see in the world that offer a cost-free smile. Habits or interactions that always make us a little…
Seth Godin
The Most Important Thing About Emotional Accountability
Struggling with accountability? You're not alone. 85% of leaders can't confront what's important. Time to address the emotional barriers!
The Best Leadership Newsletter
8 People Share How Their Divorce Changed Their Life for the Better
“Finally, I loved what I did for a living. I loved who I was and the new friends I’d made.”
The Dumber Side of Smart People
Mae West said, “Too much of a good thing can be wonderful.” That might be true for some things – health, happiness, golden retrievers, maybe.
Morgan Housel
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