Keith Allen July 20, 2024
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The finest wisdom on the Web →
Einstein's 7 rules for a better life
The most celebrated genius in human history didn't just revolutionize physics, but taught many valuable lessons about living a better life.
Big Think
Your next week just got better
Start next week with the finest wisdom on the Web. Here’s our best wisdom filled recommendations…
*Smartr Picks
The Case for Being Less Serious
When confronted with increased responsibility and agency in adulthood, many people opt to become more serious. Is this the right choice?
Calvin Rosser
Does language mirror the mind? An intellectual history
Linguistic relativity holds that your worldview is structured by the language you speak. Is it true? History shines a light
Are modern cars keeping us safe, or invading our privacy? Or both?
Modern cars have cameras to track your speed, your lane position, and if you're distracted, all in the name of safety. What about privacy?
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