Keith Allen December 08, 2023
🤝 Together with…Wit & Wisdom
Deep dives into the best ways to lead a more intentional & fulfilling life.
You can feel nostalgia for things that you haven’t yet lost
Nostalgia is a longing for the past, but psychologists are coming to realise it can focus on the future too…
Five Timeless Life Lessons from Seneca
Seneca was a Stoic philosopher in Ancient Rome. While his life lessons are 2000 years old, they are now more relevant than ever.
Darius Foroux
Relentless Pursuit of Happiness
Hi, I’m Tom Greene. I'm the author (and podcaster) of Wit & Wisdom. Here you’ll find unique perspectives on life, friendship and the relentless pursuit of happiness. Some people say I start conversations on the things that matter. Read more
Sponsor: Wit & Wisdom
The Slow Revolution Anno 2023-24
Can sourdough bread baking, long-reads, and growing tomatoes be considered acts of civil disobedience? 800 page novels, 3.5 hour blockbuster movies, 4+ hour podcasts… Not to mention homesteading…
How to improve attention span and productivity amid distractions
In this article, we’ll discuss cutting-edge techniques and tools that can help you enhance attention span and productivity despite abundant distractions.
Sunsama Blog
🎧 Unpacking The Emotion No One Likes to Talk About
Of all the emotions, there’s one that people are arguably the most reluctant to talk about and admit to feeling. Envy. Not only is there very little social discussion of envy, but there’s also been very little academic scholarship on the topic.
> Smartr Picks… BrilliantMaster these major concepts in just 15 minutes a day
AI won’t take your job. Someone using AI will. Don’t worry—with Brilliant, you can master concepts in math, AI, neural networks, and more in just 15 minutes a day. Start your 30-day free trial today.
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