Keith Allen April 15, 2024
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Honoring Your Word to Yourself
There is a power to our word that is very often underdeveloped — words are magic, and can create the world around us. But most of us use this magic as if it weren’t powerful.
Leo Babauta
The 5 Most Important Areas of Life to Simplify (and the Stats to Prove It)
I'd like to offer you today the 5 most important areas of life to simplify. And I've got the stats to prove it.
Becoming Minimalist
Lead a more intentional and fulfilling life.
Wanna know the secret to living a more intentional & fulfilling life? Focus more on happiness, family, spirituality and friendship by reading the free Wit & Wisdom newsletter.
How To Get Wealthy – Slowly But Surely: 5 Secrets From Research
Everyone wants to know how to get rich quick. Here's a sane, realistic way to get wealthy slowly, culled from expert advice...
Barking Up The Wrong Tree
Optimising The Remote Work Environment For Better Productivity
According to The New York Times , some studies link remote work with productivity declines of 8–14%. Others show remote work increases productivity by 13% to 24%.
Carl Pullein
The generous ask
“If you don’t ask, you don’t get.” That’s problematic advice. Taken to an extreme, it turns us into hustlers. The alternative is to realize that the best asks are actu…
Seth’s Blog
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