Keith Allen November 25, 2023
🤝 Together with… MosaLingua
Make the most of your downtime to improve your language skills.
14 Attributes of Greatness
Unlock the attributes of greatness with David Hemery's findings—how talent is only necessary and not sufficient to be great. Learn how to achieve your highest goals.
Be All In: Unlock Your Full Power
One of the things that really humbled me in recent years is the realization that I am often only halfway in on anything I do. I’m rarely ever really all in.
Zen Habits
Want to learn a language?
MosaLingua is the perfect tool, and they have an amazing Black Friday offer! Bypass the subscription and unlock lifetime access for $99. Click for more information!
Sponsor: MosaLingua
Compounding Optimism
Let me share a little theory I have about optimism, and why progress is so easy to underestimate.
Morgan Housel
Don't get the Porsche
Don't regret buying the Porsche because you'll feel like a "d-bag" at the soccer pick-up. You may be more infatuated with the idea of owning expensive things than actually owning them, as the distant idea is more appealing than the reality.
Rad Reads
🎧 No Regrets: How to Take Risks in Your Communication, Relationships, and Career
“What people regret over time are things they didn't do. They didn't take that trip, they didn't ask that person out on a date. They didn't start that business,” says former political speech writer and best-selling author Dan Pink.
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